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Arboriculture & Urban Forestry Online
Volume 38, Issue 5 — September 2012

Urban Tree Growth and Longevity: An International Meeting and Research Symposium White Paper    (View PDF)

Rachel Leibowitz

Abstract: Researchers from around the world gathered at The Morton Arboretum (Lisle, Illinois, U.S.) in September 2011 to share their experiences and knowledge on the topic of urban tree growth and longevity. A roundtable discussion was held at the end of the second day’s program, during which attendees discussed the state of current research in these areas and identified needs for future research. Four distinct subgroups were identified within the broader topic of urban tree growth and longevity: tree production; site design and tree selection; tree and site management; and the need for descriptive studies. Throughout the discussion, it became clear that there must be greater collaboration among researchers investigating tree growth, increased investment in long-term studies, the development of a clearing house for information, and the fostering of productive partnerships between the governmental, industry, and academic sectors. To strengthen the impact of urban tree growth research on the tree care industry, results and conclusions must be summarized and distributed through suitable means for a variety of audiences, which might include federal, state, and local governments; property owners and consumers; nurseries and growers; tree care and other green industry professionals; and urban planners, civil engineers, and landscape architects. To this end, the Urban Tree Growth & Longevity Working Group has been established to support communication between researchers and professional practitioners, enrich scientific exchange, and enhance the quality, productivity, and timeliness of research on tree growth, longevity, and mortality.


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