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Arboriculture & Urban Forestry Online
Volume 22, Issue 1 — January 1996

A Street Tree Inventory for Massachusetts Using a Geographic Information System    (View PDF)

David W. Goodwin

Abstract: The creation of a street tree inventory using Geographic Information System (GIS) software can greatly enhance municipal tree management. Many different techniques were explored in an effort to map tree locations efficiently and accurately, including aerial photo interpretation, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), surveying techniques, and tree placement on existing base maps. Additionally, several different types of basemaps were tested to optimize accurate cartographic transfer of tree locations. Detailed data about tree attributes were collected in the field using a portable, preprogrammed computersothatthese data would be compatible with a GIS. The spatial tree location data were joined with the tree attribute data to produce afully functional spatial database for street tree management purposes. Based upon two case studies, the advantages and disadvantages of each project phase are discussed and qualified.


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