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Arboriculture & Urban Forestry Online
Volume 20, Issue 1 — January 1994

Incidence and Development of Bacterial Leaf Scorch of Elm on the National Mall    (View PDF)

J. L. Sherald, E. N. Patton, T. M. Stidham, and C. L, Favre

Abstract: Approximately 600 elms on the National Mall in Washington D. C. were surveyed for 6 years for symptoms of bacterial leaf scorch caused by Xylella fastidiosa. The mean disease incidence over the course of the study was 30% and increased by approximately 10% over 6 years. Twenty-eight percent of the affected trees had symptoms in more than 25% of their crowns. Symptom severity fluctuated from year to year. Of the trees first detected with symptoms in 1986 only 18% had a higher symptom rating after 6 years, while 51 % had fewer or no symptoms. Trees 20-30 cm dbh were the most affected, while those in the 1-10 cm class were the least affected. Affected trees occurred throughout the planting.


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