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Arboriculture & Urban Forestry Online
Volume 19, Issue 1 — January 1993

Powerline Corridor Vegetation Management Trends in New York State: Has a Post-Herbicide Era Begun?    (View PDF)

Christopher A. Nowak, Lawrence P. Abrahamson, and Dudley J. Raynal

Abstract: Selective use of herbicides has been generally practiced on electric transmission rights-of way since 1980. There is now a utility response to public concern about herbicides and the environment and human health. Currently there is a trend towards using a non-herbicide approach for vegetation management. Brush hogging, grub and seeding, and hand cutting have increased in use over the past decade. If a non-herbicide approach is taken for vegetation management, there could be a loss of wildlife and aesthetic values along the rights-of-way. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate whether a shift is occurring in philosophy in vegetation management on rights-of-way.


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