Ash Flower Gall: Within Tree Distribution and Chemical Management
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Robert P. Wawrzynski and Mark E. Ascerno
Abstract: Ash flower gall (AFG) distribution within green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), and the chemical control of Eriophyes fraxlniflora, which causes AFG are discussed. Gall density was found to be significantly different among three crown levels in trees studied. Percentages were approximately 62, 25 and 13 for the top, middle and bottom crown levels, respectively. This distribution may vary from tree to tree, and is therefore, most useful in large scale sampling programs. Chemical controls were erratic, with carbaryl (Sevin) 80S providing the best control. Dicofol (Kelthane) 35WP and fluvalinate (Mavrik Aquaflow) treated trees had higher gall numbers.