State Government Involvement in Community Forestry: A Survey
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Cynthia J. Casey and Robert W. Miller
Abstract: State government involvement in community forestry varies from state to state. A survey sent to each state's Chief Forester provides information on community forestry assistance programs. Many programs are limited in scope, yet nearly all provide insect and disease control assistance, Arbor Day information and promotion, technical tree care assistance, and public information and education. Most programs are technical rather than financial in nature; however, sixteen states administer Federal Cooperative Forestry Assistance grants to communities, and five states provide financial assistance from state monies. Most programs are financed through combined state and federal funding, although eleven states rely on federal funding exclusively. Thirty-two state programs are administered by Urban Foresters or similar specialists. Budget and staffing limitations are cited by twenty states as major program obstacles. Despite limitations, expansion of services is predicted by twenty-seven states.