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Arboriculture & Urban Forestry Online
Volume 12, Issue 12 — December 1986

The Oaks of Texas    (View PDF)

Benny J. Simpson

Abstract: Texas has 42 species and 2 varieties of oaks, approximately 10% of the oaks of the new world and 57-65% of the oaks of the United States. No other state even approaches the total number of species of oaks that are native to Texas, yet only 1 species, Quercus hinckleyi, is possibly endemic to Texas and it may also occur in Mexico. There are 29 white oak species and 15 species of black or red oak. Seven oak species are considered dwarf (15 ft.), 16 species reach heights of 30 ft., 7 reach heights of 50 ft. and 14 grow to over 50 ft. Nineteen of the Texas oaks are evergreen, or at least persistent in retention of foliage. Of particular interest are oaks of the grasslands of Texas. These are generally rhizomatous, more or less fire resistant (because of the rhizomes) and have great value for browse and erosion control.


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