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Arboriculture & Urban Forestry Online
Volume 36, Issue 5 — September 2010

Effects of Paclobutrazol on Royal Palm (Roystonea regia) Trunk and Height Growth    (View PDF)

A.D. Ali and Shawn C. Bernick

Abstract: Paclobturazol is a plant growth regulator which reduces cell elongation and growth. It is commonly used in reducing the growth of herbaceous plants and woody dicots. It has also shown activity against young palms, such as oil and date palms. The effects of basal drench treatments applied annually or as a single application on mature Royal palms (Roystonea regia) were studied over a three-year period. No significant effects were noted on lateral trunk growth. Paclobutrazol treatments resulted in slower vertical growth than in palms not receiving a treatment. However, even at 36 MAT, the average reduction in vertical growth (approx. 50 cm) was still not horticulturally significant relative to the overall palm height of approximately 7 m. Royal palms may attain heights up to 24 m when mature. It is recommended that they not be planted within 7 m of utility lines especially considering regulating their vertical growth is not a practical option.

Keywords: Growth; Growth Regulators; Height Control; Paclobturazol; Royal Palm; Roystonea regia

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