Survival of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa
Dougl. ex LAWS.) seedlings Outplanted with
Rhizopogon mycorrhizae inoculated with spores at the Nursery
By David Steinfeld1, Michael P.
Amaranthus2, and Efren Cazares3
Abstract. Numerous studies have shown that
ectomycor-rhizal fungi can profoundly affect conifer performance
by facilitating nutrient and water uptake, maintaining
soil structure, and protecting roots from pathogens and
environmental extremes. However, fertilizing and irrigating
practices in seedling production nurseries are very different than
field conditions at harsh outplanting sites. More information
is needed on the ability of specific mycorrhizal fungi to
establish at the nursery and improve seedling performance in
the outplanted environment. This study was conducted to test
the ability of a specific ectomycorrhizal
fungus, Rhizopogon rubescens, inoculated onto the root systems of plug-1
ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) seedlings grown in fumigated
and nonfumigated bare-root nursery beds to influence
conifer establishment on two harsh, dry sites in southwest
Oregon, U.S. After outplanting, survival of
Rhizopogon-inoculated seedlings were significantly higher than
noninoculated seedlings at both field sites (p < 0.05). Survival averaged
93% for Rhizopogon-inoculated seedlings and 37%
for noninoculated seedlings at the Central Point site.
Survival averaged 71% for Rhizopogon-inoculated seedlings and
41% for noninoculated seedlings at the Applegate site.
Field survival did not differ significantly for ponderosa
pine seedlings grown in fumigated compared to
nonfumigated beds. Seedling height did not differ significantly
between Rhizopogon-inoculated and noninoculated ponderosa
pine seedlings or fumigated and nonfumigated beds in the
nursery or outplanting sites. Foliar analysis at the Applegate
site indicated significantly higher phosphorous contents
for Rhizopogon-inoculated seedlings. Results from this
study indicate that Rhizopogon inoculated plug-1 ponderosa
pine survive at a much higher rate on dry, harsh sites in
southwest Oregon. Poor survival by noninoculated pine seedlings
grown in both fumigated and nonfumigated beds and outplanted
on harsh sites indicate that field survival should be
considered one of the more important criteria for selection of
Rhizopogon species suitable for nursery inoculation.
Key Words. Rhizopogon spp.; ponderosa pine;
Pinus ponderosa; mycorrhizae; mycorrhizal fungi; spore
inoculation; fumigation; transplanting; survival; drought
tolerance; conifer nursery.
Throughout the western United States, ponderosa
pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws.) trees are planted
extensively on a variety of sites in urban, suburban, and
forest environments. Disturbed, compacted soils and hot, dry
sites are commonly encountered. First-year mortality of
planted trees can be high under harsh conditions (Preest
1977; Peterson and Newton 1985; Amaranthus and Perry
1987; Amaranthus and Malajczuk 2001) and foresters,
landscapers, and arborists are always interested in cultural
practices at the nursery that may improve tree survival and
performance. Conifer tree establishment depends on rapid
root and ectomycorrhizal formation on dry sites difficult
to regenerate (Amaranthus and Perry 1989). In the
arid western United States, transpiration potential during
the growing season can exceed soil water availability, killing
or reducing growth of nonirrigated seedlings.
Ectomycorrhizae enhance water uptake by their hosts (Trappe and
Fogel 1977; Reid 1979; Parke et al. 1983), although tolerance
to low water potentials vary widely among mycorrhizal
species (Mexal and Reid 1973; Theodorou 1978; Parke et al.
1983). Amaranthus and Malajczuk (2001) found
Rhizopogon rubescens mycorrhizal colonization of longleaf pine
seedlings (Pinus palustris Mill.) significantly reduced plant
moisture stress at low soil moisture levels. Plant moisture stress
levels averaged 78% higher for noninoculated seedlings
compared to Rhizopogon-inoculated seedlings at low soil
moistures. Theodorou and Bowen (1970) also observed that
P. radiata seedlings inoculated with R.
luteolus survived a particularly dry summer better than nontreated seedlings. Sands
and Theodorou (1978) found leaf water potentials
of Rhizopogon-inoculated seedlings were lower than
for noninoculated seedlings.
Numerous studies have shown improvement of outplanting performance of
Rhizopogon-inoculated seedlings in conifer establishment. (Volkart 1964; Theodorou
and Bowen 1970; Theodorou 1971; Momoh 1976;
Castellano and Trappe 1985; Ekwebelam and Odeyinde
1985, Amaranthus and Perry 1989, Castellano 1996).
Nutrient acquisition is considered a major factor improving
seedling growth. Significantly increased uptake of phosphorus
has been reported for mycorrhizal inoculated conifer
(Theodorou and Bowen 1970; Lamb and Richards 1971, 1974; Skinner and Bowen 1974a, 1974b; Chu-Chou
1979, Chu-Chou and Grace 1985), as well as
potassium (Theodorou and Bowen 1970; Lamb and Richards
1971), sodium (Melin et al. 1958), total nitrogen (Chu-Chou
and Grace 1985), and ammonia forms of N (Finlay et al. 1988).
Considerable effort and expense is directed toward
site preparation at many suburban and urban sites.
Mycorrhizal inoculum density and viability are often reduced as of
a result of site preparation activities (Amaranthus et al.
1994, 1996; Dumroese et al. 1998). Amaranthus et al.
(1996) found significant reductions in mycorrhizal abundance
and diversity, including Rhizopogon spp. with moderate to
high levels of organic-matter removal and soil
compaction. Rhizopogon spp. produce belowground fruiting bodies
that require animals to spread spores via fecal pellets. They
do not produce airborne spores, which makes it unlikely
that Rhizopogon mycorrhizal fungi would quickly be
introduced from surrounding natural areas to disturbed urban
and suburban sites.
The role of mycorrhizal fungi in the health and vigor
of trees in stressful environments is well documented.
However, more information is needed regarding
establishing specific native mycorrhizal fungi in conifer tree
nursery environments to increase seedling survival on harsh
planting sites. Nursery inoculation of mycorrhizal fungi selected
to promote survival and growth in a dry forest, suburban,
or urban environment could be an important tool for
foresters, landscapers, and arborists. This study was conducted to
test the ability of a specific ectomycorrhizal fungus,
R. rubescens, inoculated onto the root systems of plug-1 ponderosa
pine seedlings grown in fumigated and nonfumigated
bare-root nursery beds to influence outplanting performance on
two harsh dry sites in southwest Oregon.
Nursery Procedures
On July 1, 1999, ponderosa pine seeds were sown in 2
in3 cells in Stryoblock containers at the J. Herbert
Stone Nursery in Central Point, Oregon. On July 12,
emerging ponderosa pine seedlings were inoculated with
100,000 spores each of the mycorrhizal fungus R. rubescens
using an injection of a liquid suspension via a traveling
irrigation boom. Spores were applied as a soil drench
following maceration of R. rubescens sporocarps for 10 minutes
in distilled water. Spore concentrations were determined with
a haemacytometer. Foliar fertilizer (250 ppm N, 31 ppm P,
and 158 ppm K plus micronutrients) was applied each
irrigation during the rapid growth phase. Greenhouse
temperatures were held between 65°F and 75°F. In early September
1999, seedlings were hardened-off by reducing irrigation
and changing the fertilizer rates (50 ppm N, 60 ppm P, and
150 ppm K plus micronutrients). On September 22,
ponderosa pine seedlings were inoculated again with
100,000 spores each of R. rubescens using the same inoculation
procedure. No pesticides were used on the crop during this period.
On September 29, 1999, Rhizopogon-inoculated
and noninoculated ponderosa pine were extracted and
transplanted into fumigated and nonfumigated bare-root
nursery beds at J. Herbert Stone Nursery. At that time 6
Rhizopogon-inoculated and noninoculated container seedlings
were examined for the percentage of colonization by the
mycorrhizal fungus R. rubescens. Mean colonization by
R. rubescens on inoculated seedlings was 8%, while no
Rhizopogon was present on noninoculated seedlings. Fumigated beds
were treated with methyl bromide the prior year,
while nonfumigated beds had not been fumigated since
October 1996. Prior to transplanting, 228 kg per hectare of
ammonium phosphate (16-20-0) and 228 kg per hectare
of potassium sulfate (0-0-50-53) were incorporated into
the soils.
After transplanting, seedlings were grown using
standard cultural practices for bare-root production. Seedlings
were fertilized with 197 kg of N in the form of ammonium
nitrate and ammonium sulfate during spring 2000. Root
wrenching occurred four times during spring and summer 2000.
No pesticides were used on the transplant crop. Seedlings
were lifted on January 8, 2001, and those not meeting
minimum seedling diameters of 5 mm and seedling height of 13
cm were discarded. Seedlings with poorly developed
root systems or J-roots were also removed. Diameters,
heights, and root volumes of seedlings to be outplanted
were measured on 30 seedlings each from fumigated, nonfumigated,
Rhizopogon-inoculated, and noninoculated plots. No significant differences in seedling
diameters, heights, or root volumes (p = 0.05) were measured
between treatments. Seedlings were placed in cold storage for
4 months until they were outplanted.
Outplanting Procedures
Seedlings were outplanted in two locations in
southwest Oregonthe Central Point and Applegate study sites.
The Applegate study site is in a small valley at 385 m elevation
in the Siskiyou Mountains. Historical annual
precipitation averages 650 mm, less than 10% of which falls from
mid-May through mid-September. Soils are fine loamy, mixed
mesic Ultic Haploxeralfs, 60 to 100 cm deep, formed in
granitic colluvium and underlain by weathered granitic bedrock.
Soils are classified in the Holland series. Surface layers (to 18
cm) are dark grayish brown to brown sandy loams. Percentages
of sand, silt, and clay are 52, 24, and 24 respectively. The
study area is on a southwest-facing, gentle (< 5%) toe slope
just above the valley bottom. Soil moisture was at field
capacity (28%) at the time of outplanting ponderosa pine.
The Central Point site is located at the J. Herbert
Stone Nursery near Central Point, Oregon, at 426 m elevation on
nearly level slope (< 5%). Historical annual
precipitation averages 500 mm, less than 10% of which falls from
mid-May through mid-September. Soils are coarse-loamy,
mixed, mesic Pachic Haploxerolls, more than 100 cm deep,
formed from granitic and metamorphic alluvium. They are
classified in the Central Point series. Surface layers are black,
sandy loams about 40 cm thick. The planting site is located in
an unirrigated field. Soil moisture at the time of planting was
at field capacity (15%) at time of planting.
Seedlings were outplanted on May 9, 2001, at both
sites. At each site, 16 plots (2 × 2 m) were established for
field assessment of Rhizopogon-inoculated/noninoculated
and fumigated/nonfumigated treatments. Each area was
planted with randomly assigned treatments of nine seedlings each
in a 3 × 3 array at 40 cm spacing. Each of the 16 plots
were separated by 1 m buffers. The treatments were
(1) Rhizopogon-inoculated/fumigated beds, (2)
noninoculated/fumigated beds; (3)
Rhizopogon-inoculated/nonfumigated beds; and (4) noninoculated/nonfumigated beds.
Each treatment was replicated four times at each site. In
September 2001, tree heights at ground line were measured
on surviving seedlings and the number of surviving
seedlings tallied for each treatment area.
Laboratory Procedures
Before outplanting, five randomly selected seedlings
were examined for presence of Rhizopogon ectomycorrhizae
for each of the 16 plots. Roots were gently washed free of
soil and extraneous material and subsampled in three
cross sections, 1.5 cm broad, of the entire root systems in
upper, middle and lower positions, respectively. All active tips
were tallied as Rhizopogon, other mycorrhizal or
nonmycorrhizal from characteristics observed through a dissecting
microscope (2× by 10× magnification). Mycorrhizal tips
were separated by type according to characteristics
observable through a dissecting microscope (2× to
10× magnification). Rhizopogon
mycorrhizae identification was verified
using color, surface appearance, branching, morphology,
degree of swelling, length, and characteristics of
rhizomorphs. Rhizopogon rubescens mycorrhizae were creamy white
and developed a gradient of yellow and reddish coloration
with maturity and upon bruising. The R.
rubescens mycorrhizae had a two-layered mantle and abundant
rhizomorphs developing a compact coralloid morphology with
maturity. In September 2001, pine needle samples were
collected from four randomly selected seedlings from each
treatment at the Applegate site. Samples were analyzed for total N,
P, and K (Kjeldahl digest with ammonia and
orthophosphate read on an autoanalyzer).
Statistical Procedures
The experimental design was a randomized block.
ANOVA was selected as the primary analysis technique.
were performed separately for seedling survival,
height, foliar nutrients, and mycorrhizal colonization (Steel
and Torrie 1980). Means comparisons were calculated
using Fisher's LSD. Residuals from the performed ANOVAs
were examined using, normal probability plots, tests that
the residuals come from normal distributions, and plots
of residuals versus predicted values. Before analysis, data
were logarithmically transformed to compensate for
log-normally distributed values (Steel and Torrie 1980).
Ponderosa pine outplanting survival following
Rhizopogon inoculation was significantly higher compared
to noninoculated seedlings (p < 0.05; Figure 1 and Figure
2*). The average seedling survival for
Rhizopogon-inoculated seedlings was 93% compared to 37% for
noninoculated seedlings for the Central Point site. The average
seedling survival for Rhizopogon-inoculated seedlings was
71% compared to 41% for noninoculated seedlings for
the Applegate site. Seedling height at the time of outplanting
and after the first growing season in the outplanting
environment was not significantly different for any treatment
and site combination (Figure 3).
Rhizopogon mycorrhizal colonization was
significantly higher on Rhizopogon-inoculated seedlings compared
to noninoculated seedlings (Figure 4). Seedlings from
fumigated beds had higher Rhizopogon colonization
(28%) compared to nonfumigated beds (17%) and
noninoculated seedlings from fumigated and nonfumigated beds
(1%). However, there were no statistical differences
between survival of Rhizopogon-inoculated seedlings from
fumigated and nonfumigated beds (Figure 5).
Foliar phosphorous contents were significantly
higher on Rhizopogon-inoculated seedlings outplanted from
both fumigated beds and nonfumigated beds (Figure 6).
Phosphorous percentages were 90% and 60% higher on
Rhizopogon-inoculated seedlings outplanted from
fumigated beds and nonfumigated beds, respectively, compared
to noninoculated seedlings. Foliar nitrogen and
potassium levels were higher but not significantly different
from noninoculated seedlings (p < 0.05) from fumigated
and nonfumigated beds planted at the Applegate site.
Seedlings planted in the western United States
are usually subjected to low rainfalls and high
temperatures during the summer months after spring outplanting. In
our study, both outplanting areas represent typical harsh
sites encountered in southwestern Oregon. Rainfall in
the months following outplanting of our study was very low
(56 mm between May 1 and October 1, 2001), and
afternoon ambient air temperatures were high (temperatures
exceeded 32°C on 49 days between May 1 and October 1, 2001). As
a result, many seedlings at the Central Point site showed
signs of wilting and mortality as early as the end of June, 6
weeks after outplanting. Seedlings continued to die as the
summer progressed and soils dried out. At both outplanting
sites, ponderosa pine seedlings with roots colonized
by Rhizopogon mycorrhizae, however, survived
significantly better than noncolonized seedlings. This finding may
be related to the properties and functions of
Rhizopogon that decrease plant moisture stress and promote
drought tolerance as soils dry out. Amaranthus and
Malaljczuk (2001) found that at high soil moisture contents, there
were no significant differences in plant moisture stress
between Rhizopogon-inoculated and noninoculated of longleaf
pine seedlings. But as soils dried down to as low as 4%
soil moisture, differences in plant moisture stress
between inoculated and noninoculated seedlings became
significant, with inoculated seedlings averaging 9.8 bars
and noninoculated seedlings averaging 20 bars.
The mechanism by which Rhizopogon mycorrhizae
reduce plant moisture stress in dry soil conditions is becoming
better understood. On examination of the excavated
Rhizopogon-inoculated pine seedling root systems, we observed
spongy mycorrhizal mantles and abundant rhizomorphs (Figure
7). Hydration and slow release of water to the tree from
spongy fungus mantles and rhizomorphs during drought
conditions could buffer seedlings and help reduce plant moisture
stress. Spongy mantles and rhizomorphs have been noted
and described in numerous Rhizopogon studies (Massicotte et
al. 1994; Molina and Trappe 1994; Agerer et al.
1996). Rhizomorphs play an important role in water storage
and movement (Duddridge et al. 1980; Brownlee et al. 1983;
Read and Boyd 1986). Parke et al. (1983) and Dosskey et al.
(1990) demonstrated enhanced tolerance to drought stress
of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) seedlings inoculated with
R. vinicolor and attribute this enhancement in part
to rhizomorph production and function in water storage
and transport.
Benefits of inoculating seedlings with
Rhizopogon mycorrhizae might not be apparent to managers of
bare-root and container nurseries who are trying to
produce larger seedlings. The lack of aboveground
differences between inoculated and noninoculated seedlings in
this study at the nursery is commonly observed by many
nursery managers who inoculate with ectomycorrihzae.
Why aboveground differences are not apparent in
nurseries could be due to the relatively low moisture stress and
high soil nutrient levels typical of nursery environments. In
our study, nursery seedlings were never subjected to
stresses that exceeded a pre-dawn moisture stress of 10 bars.
Soils were kept moist for most of the time that seedlings were
in bare-root beds except for a 4 to 6 week period in
late summer 2000 when the soils were allowed to dry to
induce seedling hardening. Since mycorrhizae support
seedlings when moisture and nutrients are limiting, their function
in the nursery environment might be of limited advantage.
Outplanting benefits of nursery
Rhizopogon-inoculation, however, are well documented. Results from studies
throughout the world have demonstrated the importance
of Rhizopogon spp. as ectomycorrhizal symbionts in the
successful establishment of conifers. As early as 1927,
Kessel recognized R. luteolus as being among the first fungi to fruit
in association with scattered "healthy" radiata pine in
Australian nurseries. Chu-Chou (1979) reemphasized the importance
of Rhizopogon in conifer plantations and nurseries in
New Zealand. Chu-Chou and Grace (1981, 1983) later
discovered R. vinicolor and R. parksii
to be dominant ectomycorrhizal fungi of introduced Douglas-fir seedlings in nurseries
and plantations. In Nigeria, Momoh (1976) has found
R. luteolus associated with vigorously growing introduced
pines. Rhizopogon ectomycorrhizae also have been associated
with the establishment of conifers in Africa (Donald 1975;
Fogel 1980; Ivory 1980), Puerto Rico (Volkart 1964),
Europe (Levisohn 1956, 1965; Gross et al. 1980; Jansen and de
Vries 1989; Parlade and Alvarez 1993; Parlade et al. 1996),
New Zealand (Birch 1937; Chu-Chou and Grace 1981,
1983), South America (Garrido 1986), and the United States
(Baxter 1928). More recently, the importance of
Rhizopogon in increased seedling performance in the field following
nursery inoculation was demonstrated in the Oregon Coast
Range. Amaranthus and Perry (1994) inoculated
nursery-grown containerized Douglas-fir seedlings from six families
with spores of R. vinicolor. Inoculated and noninoculated
seedlings from all families were outplanted in the Oregon Coast
Range. Rhizopogon vinicolor-colonized seedlings from all families
had significantly greater height growth (six of six families)
and basal area growth (five of six families) compared
to noninoculated seedlings.
The finding of no significant difference between
survival of fumigated and nonfumigated seedlings has implications
to nurseries that are moving away from using soil
sterilants. Soil fumigation with broad-spectrum biocides is a
nonselective means of killing soilborne pathogens in tree
seedling nurseries (Linderman 1994; Marx et al. 1979).
Nursery practices that utilize methyl bromide or other soil
sterilants are known to reduce or eliminate mycorrhizal fungi
(Lee and Koo 1985; Davies 2002). At J. Herbert Stone
Nursery, the soils of the nonfumigated treatments had been
fumigated 3 years before the seedlings were transplanted in
this study. During this period, changes in soil biological
composition and the reintroduction of mycorrhizae,
including Rhizopogon spp., have been slow.
Rhizopogon spp. produce belowground fruiting bodies that do not disperse
their spores through the air, thus making reintroduction
from natural areas more difficult. The results of our study
suggest that if mycorrhizae-colonized seedlings are to be
produced in bare-root fields, inoculation with specific
mycorrhizae will be necessary until a desirable population of
mycorrhizae becomes established in nonfumigated nursery fields.
The importance of ectomycorrhizal fungi in the
uptake and translocation of nutrients to their host plants has
been the underlying principal in numerous studies of conifers.
Of particular importance is the role of ectomycorrhizal fungi
in phosphorous nutrition. Ectomycorrhizal fungi produce
acid phosphatases, a special type of root exudate that
hydrolyses organically bound phosphorous. Bowen and
Theodorou (1968) found that R. roseolus cultures were able to
solubilize rock phosphate, and Theodorou (1968) also
indirectly showed substantial phosphatase activity by
R. roseolus. Skinner and Bowen (1974) demonstrated the uptake
and translocation of phosphate via mycelial strands of
pine mycorrhizae. Ho and Trappe (1987) found that
six Rhizopogon spp. tested produced acid and alkaline
phosphatases as well as nitrate reductase, an enzyme that
aids the acquisition of nitrogen. Ho and Trappe (1980)
report that R. vinicolor produced high levels of nitrate
reductase compared to other ectomycorrhizal fungi. In our
study, Rhizopogon-inoculated pine seedlings had
significantly increased levels of foliar phosphorous compared
to noninoculated seedlings in one growing season
after outplanting. Rhizopogon-inoculated seedlings also
had increased foliar levels of nitrogen and potassium,
but differences were not significantly different. The
best-documented mycorrhizal effect in the literature is
that mycorrhizal plants take up more soil phosphorous
than nonmycorrhizal plants do. In our study, we see a similar
P effect, but it is unlikely that improved phosphorous
nutrition had a substantial effect on seedling survival.
Mycorrhizal fungi play a key role in the health and
vigor of trees in stressful environments. In southwest Oregon,
dry spring and summer conditions often result in
significant conifer mortality upon outplanting. Results from this
study indicate that Rhizopogon inoculation at the nursery can
help seedlings survive and establish on difficult sites.
Nursery inoculation of specific mycorrhizal fungi, such as
Rhizopogon spp., selected to promote survival and growth in dry
and disturbed forest, suburban, and urban environments could
be an important tool for foresters, landscapers, and arborists.
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Acknowledgments. We are grateful to Roy Young, Dawn Huck, Steve Feigner, David Davis, and Johan
Visser for invaluable assistance in the field. The authors thank
to Drs. Tom Landis and Jim Trappe for their comments
on drafts of the manuscript.
1David Steinfeld
USDA Soil Scientist
Herbert Stone Nursery
Central Point, OR, 97526, U.S.
2*Michael P. Amaranthus
Associate Professor (Adjunct)
Department of Forest Science
College of Forestry
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331, U.S.
3Efren Cazares
Assistant Professor
Department of Forest Science
College of Forestry
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331, U.S.
*Corresponding author.
Figure 1. Seedling survival after outplanting
Rhizopogon-inoculated and noninoculated ponderosa pine seedlings from the outplanting sites
at the USDA Forest Service J. Herbert Stone Nursery at Central Point
and Applegate, Oregon. Bars represent means, and vertical lines
represent standard errors. Means that share the same letter do not differ
by Fishers LSD test, P = 0.05.
Figure 2. Photograph of one Rhizopogon-inoculated
plot (top) and noninoculated plot (bottom) at the
Central Point site.
Figure. 3. Seedling height after outplanting
Rhizopogon-inoculated and noninoculated ponderosa pine seedlings from fumigated and
nonfumigated outplanting sites at the USDA Forest Service J. Herbert Stone Nursery
at Central Point and Applegate, Oregon. Bars represent means, and
vertical lines represent standard errors. Means that share the same letter do
not differ by Fishers LSD test, P = 0.05.
Figure 4. Rhizopogon percentage mycorrhizal colonization
before outplanting Rhizopogon-inoculated and noninoculated ponderosa
pine seedlings from fumigated and nonfumigated outplanting sites at
the USDA Forest Service J Herbert Stone Nursery at Central Point
and Applegate, Oregon. Bars represent means, and vertical lines
represent standard errors. Means that share the same letter do not differ
by Fishers LSD test, P = 0.05.
Figure 5. Survival percentage after outplanting
Rhizopogon-inoculated and noninoculated ponderosa pine seedlings from fumigated
and nonfumigated outplanting sites at the USDA Forest Service J
Herbert Stone Nursery at Central Point and Applegate, Oregon. Bars
represent means, and vertical lines represent standard errors. Means that
share the same letter do not differ by Fishers LSD test, P = 0.05.
Figure 6. Foliar NPK percentage after outplanting
Rhizopogon-inoculated and noninoculated ponderosa pine seedlings from fumigated and
nonfumigated outplanting sites at the USDA Forest Service J Herbert Stone Nursery at
Central Point and Applegate, Oregon. Bars represent means, and vertical lines
represent standard errors. Means that share the same letter do not differ by Fishers
LSD test, P = 0.05.
Figure 7. Photograph of Rhizopogon-mycorrhizae with spongy mantle
and abundant rhizomorphs.
Résumé. De nombreuses études ont montré que
les ectomycorhizes peuvent profondément affecter les
performances des conifères en facilitant le captage de l'eau et
des éléments minéraux, en maintenant la structure du sol et
en protégeant les racines contre les maladies et
les environnements extrêmes. Néanmoins, les
pratiques d'irrigation et de fertilisation dans les productions de
semis en pépinières sont vraiment différentes des conditions sur
le terrain où les milieux sont plus difficiles. Plus
d'informations est requis dans la capacité de champignons spécifiques
de mycorhizes pour s'établir en pépinière et pour améliorer
les performances des semis hors de leur environnement
de plantation. Cette étude a été menée pour tester
l'habilité d'un champignon spécifique d'ectomycorhize,
Rhizopogon rubescens, inoculé dans le système racinaire de semis de
pins ponderosa (Pinus ponderosa) en croissance dans des lits
fumigés et non fumigés de production à racines nues
à influencer la reprise de ce conifère dans deux sites
difficiles et secs du Sud-ouest de l'Oregon. Après la
transplantation, le taux de survie des semis inoculés avec le
Rhizopogon était significativement plus élevé que celui des semis non
inoculés dans les deux différents sites (p< 0,05). Le taux moyen
de survie était de 93% pour les semis inoculés alors qu'il
était de 37% pour ceux non inoculés dans le site de
Central Point. Le taux moyen de survie était de 71% pour les
semis inoculés tandis qu'il était de 41% pour ceux non
inoculés dans le site de Applegate. Le taux de survie sur le terrain
ne différait pas significativement pour les semis de
pins ponderosa qui avaient été produit dans le sol fumigé
par rapport à ceux dans le sol non fumigé. La hauteur des
semis ne différait pas significativement entre les semis de
pins ponderosa inoculés et ceux non inoculés, ainsi
qu'entre ceux fumigés ou non fumigés en pépinière ou sur le
terrain. L'analyse foliaire du site d'Applegate a indiqué un
contenu en phosphore significativement plus élevé pour les
semis inoculés avec le Rhizopogon. Les résultats de cette
étude indiquent que les pins ponderosa inoculés avec
le Rhizopogon survivent à un taux plus élevé de sécheresse
dans les sites difficiles du Sud-ouest de l'Oregon.
Zusammenfassung. Zahlreiche Studien haben
gezeigt, daß Ektomycorrhiza die Leistungen von
Koniferen grundsätzlich verbessern können, indem sie die Wasser-
und Nährstoffaufnahme beeinflussen, eine
Bodenstruktur erhalten und die Wurzeln vor Pathogenen
und Umwelteinflüssen schützen. Dennoch sind die Dünge-
und Bewässerungspraktiken in Jungpflanzenbaumschulen
andere als bei Feldkonditionen unter Freilandbedingungen. Hier
wird noch mehr Information über die Fähigkeiten
spezifischer Ektomycorrhiza erforderlich, um sie in
Baumschulen anzuwenden und die Leistungen der Sämlinge im Freiland
zu verbessern. Diese Studie wurde durchgeführt, um
die Leistung eines spezifischen
Ektomycorrhiza-Pilzes (Rhizopogon
rubescens) zu testen, welcher in das
von Ponderosa-Kiefer-Sämlingen in begasten
und unbegasten Saatbeeten inokuliert wurde, um die
Etablierung dieser Kiefern an schwierigen Standorten in Oregon
zu beeinflussen. Nach dem Auspflanzen war das
Überleben von okulierten Sämlingen gegenüber
unokulierten Sämlingen an beiden Standorten deutlich höher.
Die Überlebensrate am Central Point Standort lag bei 93 %
für inokulierte Sämlinge gegenüber 37 % von den
nicht-inokulierten Sämlingen. Am Standort Applegate lag
das Verhältnis bei 71 % zu 41 %. Die Überlebensrate war
nicht beeinflusst durch die Begasung der Saatbeete. Die Höhe
der Sämlinge differierte weder zwischen den inokulierten
oder uninokulierten Ponderosa-Sämlingen oder den
begasten und unbegasten Saatbeeten in der Baumschule oder
im Freiland. Die Blattanalyse an dem Applegate-Standort
zeigte deutlichen höheren Phosphorgehalt bei
inokulierten Sämlingen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie zeigen,
dass inokulierte Ponderosa-Sämlinge auf den rauen
Standorten in Oregon eine höhere Überlebensrate haben.
Resumen. Numerosos estudios han señalado que
los hongos ectomicorrízicos pueden beneficiar
profundamente el funcionamiento de las coníferas al facilitar la absorción
de agua y minerales, manteniendo la estructura del
suelo, protegiendo las raíces de patógenos y extremos
ambientales. Sin embargo, las prácticas de fertilización y riego en
la producción de planta en los viveros son muy diferentes a
las condiciones de campo en sitios muchas veces inhóspitos.
Se requiere más información sobre la capacidad de los
hongos micorrízicos para desarrollarse en vivero y mejorar
la funcionalidad de la planta una vez establecida en el
campo. Este estudio se llevó a cabo para probar la habilidad de
un hongo ectomicorrízico específico,
Rhizopogon rubescens, inoculado en el sistema de raíces de plántulas de
pino ponderosa (Pinus ponderosa), creciendo en camas a
raíz desnuda, fumigadas y no fumigadas, y la manera
como influyen en su establecimiento en dos sitios secos en
el suroeste de Oregon. Después de la plantación,
la supervivencia de las plantas inoculadas con
Rhizopogon fue significativamente más alta que las no inoculadas, en los
dos sitios (p<0.05). La supervivencia promedió el 93% para
las plantas inoculadas y 37% para las no inoculadas en el
sitio Central Point. La supervivencia promedió 71% para
las plantas inoculadas y 41% para las no inoculadas en el
sitio Applegate. La supervivencia en el campo no
difiere significativamente para las plántulas de pino ponderosa
que crecen en camas fumigadas, comparadas con las
no fumigadas. La altura de los brinzales no
difiere significativamente entre las plantas inoculadas y las
no inoculadas con Rhizopogon o camas fumigadas y
no fumigadas en el vivero y en los sitios de plantación.
Los resultados de este estudio indican que los brinzales de
pino ponderosa inoculados sobreviven a una tasa más alta
en sitios secos en el suroeste de Oregon.